Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bonding - Fill the Bank


There are so many things we have to do as families to keep them running. Driving to this event and that. Homework. Doctor's appointments. Discipline. All of those things take effort. Although they pay off in the end, they can wear on us and deplete our resolve.

Our best defence? Fill the bank. Not with money, either. Okay, money is good, but not what I am talking about here. Fill the bank with quality family time. Quality family time is about being together and enjoying each other with intention. It doesn't have to be an all day event. Sometimes a few minutes together can do the trick when you need to fill the bank. Consider all the little moments you can create to fill your family's bank and do it. See how great it feels!

Have a great day. Remember I am available for coaching for parents! Contact me here for more info.

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