Monday, August 2, 2010

Parents Can Have Summer Fun, Too!

Summer is coming to a close already. Have you been able to stop and do some special things with the kids? Here is a list of things to get your creative juices flowing. Summer is a great opportunity not just to be with our kids, but to be one, too.

Get to a pool. And why not do cannon balls with your kids?

Go out for ice cream and wander through your downtown or one of a neighboring town. And make sure you get a cone for yourself!

Go to the local pet store and play with the puppies. You can even talk about the breeds with the kids if you want to make it educational.

Find a water park and make sure you go down some of those slides, too.

Spend an afternoon at the library with the kids. Come back to the house, bake some cookies and everyone can read their new stuff and nibble. No TV!

What can you come up with in the dog-days of summer to do with your kids?


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